Trade & Trust Reviews

Recovering your losses doesn’t have to be complicated. TradeFox’s streamlined recovery process makes it easy to file a claim, gather evidence, and get your money back.

Why should I review my trading partners when I get no reward in return?

Tradefox is a network of industry professionals like you.

You’re here to assess the reliability of trading partners or see if other members have issued warnings—based on their reviews. Every day, industry professionals contribute by reviewing their trading partners, helping to build a transparent marketplace.

Without this collective effort, businesses would continue facing the same risks. The more members share their experiences, the more valuable the information becomes. Your input matters, and your reviews help others make better trading decisions.

Can a company find out if I left them a negative review?

No, they won’t. If you select the “Submit Confidentially” option when leaving a review, the company will not be notified or see that you reviewed them.

We understand that most members prefer to keep their reviews private, and we fully respect and uphold that preference.

Will Tradefox reveal my identity if a company takes legal action over a 1-star review?

We find it unlikely that a company would go to court over a negative review, especially if they have engaged in unfair trading practices. Even in such cases, disclosing confidential reviewer information to a third party would remain extremely difficult.

How are companies ranked in the search results?

Once you select the material type(s) and countries, companies are ranked based on the amount of data available. This includes general company information as well as industry insights on their trustworthiness.